St. Kitts

St. Kitts

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Wait... I'm done with first semester?

Sorry for the long gap between posts everyone! It was a rough end of the semester but guess what.. I AM DONE!!!!!!! I made it through first semester. It was not easy, but I accomplished what I came here to do! As fast as the semester started, it ended. I have met some wonderful people along the way, had new experiences, learned a lot, and had a successful first semester of medical school. I apologize for the gap between posts. I had a very busy end of the semester! 

School wise after block 3 I had my physical diagnosis written and final practical exam. The practical was interesting, as it was our first time with real patients other than our fellow classmates. I had the musculoskeletal and respiratory exams. I felt prepared for the exam as Megahan, Meagan, Erica, and I studied with our awesome TA Joe the weekend before. He was great with really showing us what we needed to know and quizzed us on our material. This helped a lot!  Both exams went well, even though I got grilled by my professor at the respiratory station (he said he liked my heels though.. haha).  Every class was on the fast track to being done as finals came quickly after block 3. I had 2 shelf exams for finals (Anatomy and histology) then I had a cumulative cell biology exam and an anatomy lab practical. Lets just say I am glad to be done with anatomy lab. That place smelled SO bad by the end of the semester. Walking into the exam not only was the lab freezing but it smelled, which I understand, but all the bodies were destroyed from all the dissecting we did throughout the semester. Thankfully the bodies will now be cremated and given back to their loved ones. I cannot thank people enough for donating their bodies to science. It helps us learn the human body in a way that we would never be able to appreciate otherwise. 

I am still waiting for my grades but my mind is at home. I just want to be home with Nicholas, my family, and my best friends. I miss everyone and I am mad I didn't know I was done so early or else I would be home. I have so much planned over break, exciting things too! I am looking forward to not having any obligations, no studying, no 5am alarms, and a comfortable bed with NO bugs. Yes I do have to go back to snow, but I actually miss the seasons. Which is why on my mini vacation right now I am enjoying the sun and nice weather while I have it till I see it again in January. Since I am here I am hanging out with my friends on the beach and by the pool, going to dinner, and just enjoying finishing our first semester. I am so proud of us for taking this opportunity and really shinning. I am going to miss them dearly but that is what skype and facetime is for. Plus when I get back I get to move in with Meaghan! this means having the girls over for dinner, cookie baking, wine nights, study parties, and mani-pedis!  However I am really excited to be home with my whole family and Nick's family.  

Well I am sure I left a lot out, but I will remember after I catch up on sleep! 

Till next time, 

The Future Dr. Emma    XOXO