St. Kitts

St. Kitts

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Whirlwind in Paradise

Phew! I have finally got enough to sit down, catch my breath, and take everything that has happened in the past week in! I flew into St. Kitts last friday with my mom and dad, it was a long travel day to say the least. However, as soon as we got to the hotel we hit the beach. That is where I met my first new friend Erica! We then went to an interesting restaurant at the place where I now live, an Indian/Chinese fusion restaurant  I met my other friend Meaghan there and her dad who turned out to help my and my family A LOT! I spent my days at the beach and met my fellow classmates. One night after dinner, we were having after dinner drinks and we got to meet Danny's friends from college Jhulianna and paul!. She completes my little group of girl friends! We have hung out and have become a little surrogate family! 

Just as soon as I got to the Island, orientation began. It was a whirlwind! So much information being thrown at us (not even the medical information yet!) I got my ID, I registered, I got my books (which weigh a ton), and I met even more people! I bonded with one girl (Kristy that's you!) who likes ginger ale as much as I do on a regular basis! I also met soren who is fabulous, and brittany. There are even more people I have met but it would take hours! I also got my class schedule last week, it is a doozy! I am beyond excited to start though! 

Setting aside first day of school jitters and the slight anxiety of meeting all these new people I have been blessed with the experiences I have had so far. God's creation is b-e-a-uuuuuutiful! I am amazed by the flowers, the greens, the plants and produce and the ocean. I have gotten to swim, play in the sand, go zip lining in the rain forest, and see the sights of this beautiful island I live on. I have also had some interesting experiences with my parents going grocery shopping. Island living is slow, and EXPENSIVE to buy groceries. My goodness I had sticker shock, but I guess I will get used to it eventually. Really living on my own is different. I don't have my crazy housemate (Ali smith) to keep me company or my boyfriend to watch movies with before bedtime on a weekend, but I like it. I knew going into this I needed to really needed to do this for me. I am going to have such a good life experience to tell my kids one day. As the whirlwind of moving has slowed down I have started to really miss everyone back home, but I know this is for the best and I will be back home shortly. I will have pictures up soon to show the beautiful island but I am going to sign off to enjoy my last night before getting down to business starts. 

God bless

The Future Doctor Emma Ruggery XOXO

Thursday, August 1, 2013

It's August.. you know what that means... school starts soon!

So its August first which means 21 days till I start my journey to med school! Its crazy how fast the summer went. It feels like I just graduated. I have been preparing for school though! I got my tuition bill, and was awarded the president's scholarship(so cool!) still waiting on housing though... I still have some stuff to get but now its starting the process of gathering stuff up! I am nervous, excited, ready to start, but also dragging my feet a bit.  I am really starting to feel the crazy emotions about leaving everything and everyone. Those of you who really know me, know that I have always gone to smalls schools, which is why I chose UMHS, but I have never left home for more than 2-3 weeks at a time. This is going to be totally different for me. Even though I am scared I know it will be good for me and cause me to really grow up. I am not looking forward to saying goodbye to everyone though, I apologize in advance for crying so much thus month. I guess until I leave I will be busy so I will post before I leave and when I get down to the island.

Future Doctor Emma 🏥