St. Kitts

St. Kitts

Monday, September 30, 2013

Microtubules, brachial plexus, and cadavers OH MY!

So this past week has been prep week for my block exams that I took today,  Monday September 30th. For those of you who don't know what blocks are I take ALL my exams, except my small credit classes this block, on one day starting at 8 am back to back until 4pm. I took histology, cell bio, anatomy written, and anatomy practical. I was BEYOND nervous! And clearly since it was an important week I got sick. I got the stomach virus which was going around campus which put me out for 3 days. I even had to take a quiz while sick, BUT still passed so oh well! I am finally feeling better which mean't I could focus on my exams! 

All of my classes are running together with overlapping information and I sometimes forget what class I am actually studying for! I also randomly think of things I need to know. For example: Nick and I were talking last night and he mentioned something and for some reason my brain went to the muscles of the hand. Not sure why, but that is how much information I have in my head that it just comes out at times! 

I am learning so much and have gotten to see some really cool things. I got to see what emphysema looks like human lungs, I got to see a pace make implanted and the conducted through the heart, what a triple bypass looks like (my cadaver's heart), and even what breast cancer looks like! I am so lucky to be experiencing this all. 

I start off my exams early in the morning with histology. That test helped to boost my confidence because I knew all of the material! I then had cell bio and anatomy written and practical. Those were a bit tougher. I get my scores tomorrow as I have checked and they are still not up! However I can breathe for the first time in weeks for only a day. I start new material bright and early with vital signs PD lab (scrub day for emma!) I also get to pick up my package from my mom which I am really excited about! Well I am sure once I get my grades and go through this week I will have more to say so until later this week! 

Future Dr. Emma XOXO

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Dancing baby? --> This is a clip I found of the dancing baby that my anatomy professor used in a video about limb formation ( for those of your nerds out there like me here is the actual link! Weird music... and a dancing baby?)

ANYWAY! Week 3 was filled with ups and downs, a special delivery, my first PD (physical diagnosis) lab, an IV lab, and a bunch of other stuff! I start off my week with the motto from legally blonde the musical from the song, "Chip on My Shoulder." The lyric I took to this week was, "With the chance I've been given I'm gonna be driven as hell. I'm so close I can taste it so I'm not gonna waste it. I got a chip on shoulder.." My amazing boyfriend posted it to my wall and it has stuck with me all week.  Our block exams are on the 30th so 1 week away... I am NERVOUS beyond all belief. My tests are all on my computer except my lab practical. I only have 15 minutes to a half hour in between exams.. YIKES! Good practice for the boards I suppose!

PD lab was cool, I got to wear my scrubs and start the process of perfecting the adult history. I learned my personality is more conducive to kids... surprise surprise. I don't really like having to ask the CAGE questions (alcohol problem questions) as i feel they are intrusive and I don't want people getting mad at me. However I need to learn all of this so I can be successful so my personality may be blossoming even more!  I have to add I think I looked mighty cute in my matching scrub set and my new sneakers that matched and gave a contrasting bright orange look to everything. I cannot wait for our vital signs lab in 2 weeks (stethoscope and BP cuff time, Thanks to Mr. Jim I am prepared!) I also got to practice more clinical skills this week with an AMSA sponsored IV lab! I got to learn how to place and IV and practice (quickly) before I needed to get to class! It was cool, but all I can say is thank goodness the arm was plastic... took me 3 tries but I guess a human arm won't be that stiff!  Anatomy lab was also cool this week we got to open the chest up! I got to touch a pair of human lungs and look at the beginnings of the heart. Our guy has a HUGE heart, and I mean HUGE. The lungs were all squishy and neat! Another group had a smokers lung that felt like a pillow, which was cool and gross all at the same time. Also the smell is starting to get to me... I think it's because we opened up the front cavity. Lets just hope I get to used to it QUICK! 

Though my week wasn't all ups I had a few downs. I have been feeling pretty crappy, but got a LOT of sleep. I burned my fingers while wearing an over mitt... which is just my luck. My grocery bag broke on the way home today, my iphone cable broke, and oh yeah my smoke alarm went off again while making garlic bread. However with the stress of blocks right around the corner I got the best thing ever, a package from nicholas! It had a letter which brought me to happy tears and a drawing of two penguins holding hands (that is our thing. Penguins mate for life its too cute). I needed this more than ever. It gave me the extra little boost I needed o realize I am going to well on my block exams, it may be tough, but I will get through it. I also got to talk to my mom for a while this week and will get to skype with my parents! They are sending me two care packages this semester. One very soon and one in late October! I am blessed to have such supportive family and friends back home rooting for me! Keep me in your prayers this next week as I prepare for blocks and take my exams!

Till next week, Future Doctor Emma. XOXO


Friday, September 13, 2013

...And Just When I Thought I Had a Handle on Things...

I was wrong... As the second week of medical school came to a close I realized a lot of things about school, why I want to be a doctor, and how living on your own is not as easy as it seems. I started the week off great knowing the material, but then as the week progressed I started to get behind (or at least in my mind I did.) This really stressed me out, which in turn made me homesick. My first official bout of homesickness. I had a hard time dealing with being away from everyone with the stress of school. I used to go to my boyfriend, my mom or dad, and my friends if I was having trouble with school. However, down here, though I have my friends it's not the same. I miss getting hugs from nick especially when he knew I was freaking out even though I wouldn't necessarily tell him (he has gotten really good at figuring that out!) from them and being able to go home and spend the night with my parents. However, I took a deep breath and realized why I was down here. I am here to become a doctor, to be able to get good grades go back to the states and show every school what they were missing. I am here to make myself proud along with all of my family including Nick's family proud of me. Since I have been here I have learned more information than I used to learn in 2 months at Juniata (not kidding). I have been adapting my study habits to fit my needs here, which has been hard. I am constantly tired, have been drinking coffee more than I ever have in my life, and I am lucky to get 6 hours of sleep a night (those of you that know me, know I like to sleep, and no more naps for emma.) My cadaver has more fat than I ever thought was humanly possible. He is leaky embalming fluid which has soaked my lab partner twice this week. Other than that I am trying to learn the material.
Living on my own has been okay till this week. First off I forgot to buy measuring cups, so making rice was interesting. I used a solo cup to measure... my rice turned out okay, a little mushy and sticky like sushi rice, but yummy. I also made my favorite chicken stirfry! Though I am missing my sauce I used to make! Well tomorrow is my first experience with doing laundry down here, this should be interesting.

Till next time,
Future Doctor Emma

Friday, September 6, 2013

The Stressful Life of a Med1 Student

Well I made it through my first week of medical school in the MED1 program, which is accelerated (in the eyes of everyone else). The stress I am feeling makes college seem like a breeze. I don't really have time to just breathe it seems, and when I do something not school related I feel slightly guilty. I have started all of my classes and I am working my way though each. I think my favorite class is going to be medical ethics! There is something about looking at medicine from that perspective that interests me, and maybe one day I will be able to sit on a medical ethics committee at a hospital! Also it helps that the professor is really interesting! He is a licensed pediatrician, so hopefully I can learn a lot from him! My other classes are cell biology, histology, anatomy, lab, and physical diagnosis! 

We are full force into anatomy lab right now! I was lucky enough to get Meaghan in my lab group and my cut group! Our cadaver we named Bob. It was weird the first time I saw the bodies. It didn't really phase me, but seeing the human body like that was interesting. So I know that from school that adipose (fat) is all through the body, but my goodness! It took us two days to get rid of all that fat just to be able to see the back muscles. Also we had to prop our guy up because his neck was sunken in... and his belly is big so he is pretty high up on the table, which for "vertically challenged" individuals such as myself and meaghan it is hard for us to see and do work! But today we were cutting the spinal canal open which is called a laminectomy. We had to use the bone saw and though I was reluctant at first (those that really know me that power tools are not my forte) I did it anyway! I got to see a spinal cord, and to be honest I was that impressed, oh well I guess!

Today we had white coat ceremony practice with Dr. Wagner and Dr. Last! As Dr. Wagner was calling out nakes the one girl had a very long name and he said, "I once knew a girl whose full name had 5 names." The girl responded with "Wow thats super longer." Dr. Wagner then replied "That's what she said." Our whole class about died of laughter at that point! If you want to watch my white coat ceremony ONLINE LIVE TOMORROW AT 10:30am eastern (Island time though so it may be running late but tune in at 10:30 anyway the link is:

I am getting used to my little place though! The oven is tiny, but it works. I finally got my toilet fixed and even through the internet problems we keep having I don't mind my apartment. I need to hang up all of my pictures of everyone from back home! Soon my room will be covered with my loved ones so it will really seem like a home away from home. I have gotten a little bit homesick this week. I just keep telling myself its only 3 months at a time and everyone is rooting for me. I also have managed to skype and talk to my parents, brother and sister in-law her mom and stepdad and of course nicholas! I've been having a hard time going through the material and I think when it frustrates me I miss home cause Nick or my parents or even Alli and my other friends would calm me down. I also have gotten my first cold while down on the Island. That didn't this mornings situation when I got caught in a rainstorm with the rain going sideways and I got soaked. Thankfully my fiend Erica brought me some scrubs to change into for the day (She is a lifesaver!) Other than all of that I am trying to adjust my life to little to no sleep, waking up early, barely getting any breaks throughout the day, and food that is not my forte. However I did have some BBQ chicken which was delish! If anyone would wanna send me care packages or mail let me know and I will get you my address! 

Until next week, 

The Future Dr. Emma XOXO